Our Services

JC the missing partner

Our Approach


Launch the business and start operations.


Winning more customers by optimizing operational activities.

To Reinvent oneself

Continuous improvement by developing projects.

Product Development

A good understanding of your products and services portfolio. Implement a product/service development process specific to your business that will favor innovation and quality for your customers.

Supply Chain

A resilient supply chain system. Build a strong and flexible demand planning, procurement and logistics flow matrix to ensure availability for your customers but also a desirable price point and the ability to cope with disruption.


The last miles can make a difference in the eye of your customers. Deploy a fast, qualitative, cost-effective shipping service that shows your customers how much they mean to your business.

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Client Testimonials

"As a new residental renovation entrepeneur, Jingli Consulting helped me start up my business. There were no stupid questions."
CEO of Ukendo Renovation Canada
"Changes are never easy. The company I work for decided todo a turnaround and focus on serving millennial customers, with all the challenege that come with it. I worked with Jingli Consulting to understand better how to implement a daily management dashboard that will enable me to get what to focus on and redirect our operations activities. Thank you Jingli for your quick understanding of our business."
Operations Director in Facility Management Solutions, France
"I started my activity on instagram. It was not a big deal at the time. As I saw a major increase of client requests, I reached out to Jingli Consulting to support me with that. Jingli Consulting helped me with my business growth by focusing on planning and showing me how operations is key."
Independent Makeup artist, USA

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